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Before you shoot anything, find out as much as you can. Whether your subject is an animal, a plant, or a landscape; study its behavior, learn its rhythm, when it blooms, how does it look in sunrise, sunset, or the middle of the night.  
If you study and observe before you take out your camera, you’ll be able to predict and take better shots.

2. Symmetry

Every photographer's wet dream is to have perfect symmetry in his/her photo. This small obsessive-compulsive disorder we all share is deeply coded in our aesthetic sense. When you notice a clear reflection on a water surface, use it! I guarantee you will not regret it.

3. Pattern and texture interruption

Our brain is designed for finding patterns in nature. It is both aesthetically pleasing and captivating. Once you start noticing them, your photography will never be the same.
But the best advice I can give you is to find where the pattern is interrupted take that shoot.

4. Rule of thirds

Imagine your frame in thirds (both horizontally and vertically) so you have nine pieces and four gridlines.
This is essential for landscape photography because it helps you to correctly align with the horizon. Use it for wildlife photography to place the subject's eye/head on the intersections.

5. Timing is everything

Everybody will tell you to shoot photos just before the sun rises and just after the sun sets; when the natural light is soft and indirect ("the blue and the golden hour").
You can also use the rising mist in your favour to create stunning landscapes.
It is beautiful, but there is something missing; the shadows. You can use the light and the shadows in dense forests to create beautiful patterns on your subject.
